A utility to convert JSON schema (draft 4) to Joi validation schema.
json-schema-to-joi 4.1.0
Usage: json2joi [--banner, -b] [BANNER] [--batch] [SECTION]
[--title] [TITLE] [--cwd] [CWD] [--useDeprecatedJoi] [--useExtendedJoi]
[--importStatement] [IMPORT]
[--input, -i] [IN_FILE] [--output, -o] [OUT_FILE]
optional parameters:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-v, --version Show the program version.
--title TITLE The title used as the Joi schema variable name
if the JSON schema doesn't have a title itself.
TITLE is meaningless when "--batch" option is present.
--cwd CWD CWD is used as the root directory of JSON sub schemas.
--joiName JOINAME JOINAME is the module name of joi library.
Default: "Joi".
--extendedJoiName EJOINAME EJOINAME is the module name of extended joi library.
If you don't want to use deprecated joi extension to support
"allOf" and "oneOf", please leave it empty.
--importStatement IMPORT IMPORT is the statement(s) to import joi library and extended joi library.
It can be multiple statements.
Default: "import * as Joi from '@hapi/joi';"
If "useDeprecatedJoi" is true ,IMPORT will be "import * as Joi from 'joi';".
If "extendedJoiName" is set, another IMPORT statement must be added.
--useDeprecatedJoi If the option is true, the prog will use deprecated library 'joi'
instead of '@hapi/joi'
Default: false.
--batch SECTION Use the SECTION of the INPUT to generate a batch of JSON schemas.
"definitions" for standard JSON schema files.
"components.schemas" for OpenAPI 3.x files.
-b, --banner BANNER Add BANNER in the beginning of the output.
-i, --input INPUT The input JSON schema file.
-o, --output OUTPUT The output source file including generated Joi schema(s).
If OUTPUT is absent, the prog will write to the standard output
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